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World Book and copyright Day 23 April-2022
World Book and copyright Day 23 April-2022
World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, or International Day of the Book, is an annual observance organised by the UNESCO. World Book Day was first celebrated on April 23, 1995. As we observe World Book and Copyright Day 2020, here are interesting facts about books.
World Book and Copyright Day 2022 Celebration
What is ‘Copyright’?
Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy. This means that the creator of the intellectual property reserves the right to restrict its product from being copied without his/her consent. Under Copyright law, a work is considered as original if it is created using one’s own creativity without any duplication.
Copyright is generally restricted to ideas that can be written down in a physical form or are tangible. When a person creates an original work that can be compiled in a physical format, it automatically gets copyrighted and only the creator reserves the exclusive rights to use or transfer the work. In this case, audio-visual work, sound recordings, and musical compositions, books, paintings, etc. can be copyrighted.
Introduction of World Books and Copyrights Day
The World Books and Copyrights Day is also called as World Books Day. The basic idea to celebrate April 23 as the World Books and Copyrights Day is that this day marks the birth and death anniversary of many well-known writers, including Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Maurice Druon, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Haldor Kiljan Laxness, Manuel Mejía Vallejo, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and William Shakespeare.
Keeping the significance of this day in mind, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s General Conference held in Paris in 1995 chose this date to pay tribute to books, the authors who wrote them, and the copyright laws that protect them.
UNESCO World Book Capital 2022 Guadalajara (Mexico)
Guadalajara (Mexico) was named World Book Capital for the year 2022 by the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, on the recommendation of the World Book Capital Advisory Committee.
Toppers List 2021-22
Class-I A
Aardhya Shah-I
Shivansh Shah-II and Atharv Rath-II
Swarnim Roy-III
Class-I B
Swagat Swarup Behera-I and Pakhi Verma-I
Dimple Thakur-II
Akshat Mishra-I
Mukul Nandal-II
Sirivella Vasuprada-III
Aardhya Sarkar-I
Shourya Soni-II
Stuthi Elsa Binu-III
Anusha Khare-I
Avani Pankaj Daryapurkar-II
Atharv-III and Falak Kabir-III
Joel Samuel Binu-I
Akshat Kumar Verma-II
Shourya Dilliwar-III
Akshit Jha-I
Hrushikesh Hitesh-II
Asmita Barman-III
N. Varshini Reddy-I
V. Ojaswi Vaishali-II
Anmol Pandey-III
Pratha Mahoba-I
Preksha Mahoba-II
Dhriti Mishra-III
Anushree Krishna-I
Kanishka Verma-II
Shagun Kumari-III
Amit Kumar-I
Nishita Mahesh-II
Shree Sahu-III
पुस्तकोपहार 2022
Book donation Drive: पुस्तकोपहार 2022 (Pustakophar): पर्यावरण संरक्षण हेतु पहल
Additional Practice Questions for Class X and XII
These are additional questions for use by students/teachers and are based on the complete syllabus.
Courtesy: https://cbseacademic.nic.in/additionalPQ.html
Fresh Admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas for Academic Session 2022-2023 (Notification, Guidelines & Schedule)
For details, visit https://kvsangathan.nic.in/academic/admission-guidelines
Online Admission (Class 1) Registration Portal: https://kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in/index.html
Courtesy: https://kvsangathan.nic.in/
100 Days of Reading: Week 8 (Stories, Props and Plays)
100 Days of Reading: Week 8 (Stories, Props and Plays)
All activities will be conducted in the classroom(offline).
Class I-II
Words are my claim to fame
Creating a newspaper of the week – Children can write about the stories they have read in the last week or month, in a way that it becomes a class newspaper.
Class III-V
Prop Up
The teacher prepares a bag full of props (like crown, sword, pot, gloves, ring, wand, etc.) or a list of props for students at home.
The children pick out (or in case of students from home, teachers randomly assign) a prop and students write how they would use the prop to do a good deed.
Then each student reads their creation to whole class.
Read and Enact
The students are assigned to work in groups
They are provided a short play to read
Next, they are asked to collaborate with one another and enact the entire story. This integration of Reading with performing arts gives the learner an additional boost and adds more fun dimensions to reading.
Celebration of World Thinking Day on 22nd Feb 2022
World Thinking Day, celebrated on February 22, is a day of friendship, sisterhood, and empowerment where Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across the world speak out on issues that affect girls and young women. Did you know that this event raises funds for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across the world? The theme for 2022 World Thinking Day is ‘Our World, Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality.’
World Thinking Day 2022: Significance
The day is used as an opportunity to speak out on issues that affect young women and fundraise for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries. The day is celebrated by millions of young girls and women. The issue of appreciating other countries and cultures, and equally increasing awareness and sensitivity on global concerns are talked about on the day.
Every year on 22 February, Rangers from Mona Burgin's Unit in Auckland, New Zealand, set off before dawn, while it is still dark, and they climb to the top of Maungawhau / Mount Eden and as the sun rises over the sea they raise the Guide World Flag, they sing the World Song, and they speak of some of the people and the countries they are Thinking.
World Thinking Day 2022: History
22nd February is marked as the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout movement, and Lady Olave Baden-Powell, his wife and the First World Chief Guide by the delegates.
At the Fourth Girl Scout International Conference held in 1926, the need for a special international day was highlighted by the conference delegates, when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts would think of the worldwide spread of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting, and of all the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world, giving them, their “Sisters”, thanks and appreciation.
However, at the 30th World Conference in 1999, the name was changed from “Thinking Day” to “World Thinking Day”, so as to emphasize the global aspect of the special day.
World Thinking Day 2022: Theme
Each year a theme is set for the special day. This year's World Thinking Day 2022 theme is 'Our World, Our Equal Future: The environment and gender equality'. Also last year it was 'Stand Together for peace' and before that for 2020 it was 'Living Threads'.
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